Thursday, March 25, 2010

Man with a Movie Camera (1929)

This film is in black and white. It is without sound. It is without a traditional sense of story.

And it might be the most amazing thing you will ever see.

Following the rise and shine of a whole city, it tells the story of birth, death, and everything in between. As the image unfolds you might get the idea that even though the people in this film are long dead, buried and forgotten and almost a hundred years has passed, not much has changed...

Man with a Movie Camera introduced what is considered modern editing to the world. What does that mean? Well, any film you see today, ANY film, is the way it is, partially thanks to this cult film extraordinaire.

As it was made in a time when film music consisted of a drunk guy playing a piano on the front row, a whole bunch of modern musicians have taken it upon themselves to compose new soundtracks. Of the 4 different ones I have heard, the best one is the one included here, by Cinematic Orchestra.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

In China They Eat Dogs (1999)

I thought everybody had seen In China They Eat Dogs. A recent conversation with a group of people proved otherwise.

This is something I have to remedy.

To me, this is more than a mere movie. It's the filmatic equivalent of the great novel The Dice Man, in that it will actually change your life. No longer will you look upon laws and regulations as chains limiting your actions in any situation. Like an uplifting motivational seminar, this film teaches you that you can do anything you want. And I do mean anything!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Man on the Train (2002)

Have you ever wanted to be somebody else? What made you who you are anyway? Is your personality just the result of a long string of coincidences? Could you change if you wanted to? And what makes you yearn for change?

All these questions, and more, will be answered by watching this film.


Monday, March 22, 2010

Thirteen Conversations About One Thing (2001)

There's no explosions in this film. There's no sex, or car chases. No one is on the run for a crime he didn't commit, and there is no secret society of mischievous frat boys. No actor was cast because of their looks alone and the only real action going on is when someone gets hit by a car. But we don't get to see that. We just see what happens afterward.

Instead, this film is about people. Normal everyday people who wear normal everyday clothes and do their normal everyday jobs. And they have normal everyday conversations. 13 of 'em.

This is a thinking person's movie.


Sunday, March 21, 2010

The King of Kong (2007)

Ok, so this is a documentary about grown men who play Donkey Kong. Sound pretty lame, eh? But it's one of the best documentaries ever made.
Still, there's probably not much I can say to convince you it is. You're just gonna have to trust me on this one, and watch it for yourself.


Saturday, March 20, 2010

Secretary (2002)

"Whenever I get serious about a girl," says Quentin Tarantino, "I show her Rio Bravo. And she better fucking like it!"

Many people have a film like that. Mine is Secretary.

Now, those of you that has seen the film might think I'm a sick fuck. (I am, but that's beside the point.) The point is that if you enjoy this film, it proves that you aren't a stuck up bitch that will take easily offense at anything that's a bit on the far side. If you like this film, it tells me you're cool. You're not narrow minded and we can talk about stuff and hang out.


Friday, March 19, 2010

Versus (2000)

You like zombies?

You like samurais?

How about both of them in one movie, fighting in one of the coolest kung-fu films there ever was?

This is the feature film debut of promising Japanese director Ryûhei Kitamura, who later went on to make the also awesome Azumi, and most recently Midnight Meat Train.

I could go on and on about how cool this film is, but seriously... if zombies AND samurais doesn't do it for ya, I don't know what will.


Thursday, March 18, 2010

Midgets Vs. Mascots (2009)

"I'm sorry, what did you say? There actually exists a film about midgets fighting mascots?"

Yes, yes, yes!

Now, the film in itself is actually pretty bad. No, I take that back. It's crap!

So did I put it here? Well, how else are you gonna see a group of drunk midgets sing We Are the Champions at a karaoke bar? This is cult cinema in the making!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Weirdsville (2007)

This is one tremendously funny cult film, and also one of the very best stoner movies there is. Think Trainspotting meets Human Traffic.

But that's not the only reason to give this one a go: There's also midgets! You love them too? Of course you do! Jordan Prentice (who later went on to star in the equally awesome In Bruges) stars as one mean-ass, flail wielding, miniature knight/security guard little person! You gotta see this guy beat up people three times his size. It's too good to be true.

Make sure to watch all the way till after the final credits, for an extra treat.


Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Intacto (2001)

Do you believe in luck? Do you believe some people are more lucky than others? Where do you think these people get their luck from?

What if luck was not something that happened haphazardly every now and then to random people, but an ability that you could use to your own advantage. What if you found that you had an exceptional ability for luck that could grant you everything you wanted in the world. And what if somebody tried to take that ability away from you.

What would your life be without your good luck? And what would you do to get your luck back?

From the very first seconds of the opening scene of Intacto, you immediately realize you are watching something different. Something special. And something wonderful.


Monday, March 15, 2010

Crippled Masters (1979)

This is another one of those "You've got to see it, to believe it" cult films, so I'm gonna have to break my rule about not showing trailers again.

Oh yes, these are real cripples. And the great thing about it is that the correct term for these guys is indeed crippled! Calling them handicapped or impaired in any way would simply not be true, as these guys can achieve much more with their mangled limbs, than most people with fully functioning arms and legs.

As an extra treat, see what wikipedia has to say about the film:
  • This Hong Kong film-related article is a stub.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

American Pimp (1999)

The title probably sounds like a comedy, and it is. What makes it extra funny though, is that even though it's hard to believe, it is all true.

Yep, pull out your bling, cause it's time to look pimpin'!

"You know, I gotta be callin' ma girls bitches, or else they be thinkin' I've gone soft. It's like a pet name, you know. They like it."

What more do you need?


Carandiru (2003)

The less you know about this film, the more you will enjoy it. It depicts a historic event that, while probably very well known in Latin America, is unheard of in Europe. Like a M. Night Shyamalan film, if you read about it first you'll spoil the twist and ruin the surprise ending. Sadly, spoilers for this film is all over the place, even on the back cover of the dvd. So don't look at it.

Suffice to say that it's a prison film, and that it equals, if not surpasses in quality The Shawshank Redemption (long standing nr. 1 on IMDB's list of greatest films in the world). You could almost think of it as a "what happened after" City of God. Yeah, it's that good.


Friday, March 12, 2010

A Hole in the Head (1998)

This is a documentary about people who drill a hole in their own head, just to get happy. Really. I know it sounds too silly to be true, but I can assure you it is for real.

At this point you're probably thinking something along the lines of:
"Nooo, this can't be. There can't possibly be a documentary that groovy!"
But there is. And it's actually so good, by the end of it, you might actually consider getting a hole in your own head.


Thursday, March 11, 2010

Movie quality is not subjective

Arguments about whether a film is good or not, are commonplace all over the world. It is an everyday conversational topic at work, at home, in bars and even between total strangers on buses. Very often these arguments end with one or both parties reluctantly stating that the quality of a film is all about personal preferences.

While one person will turn away in disgust at the sight of a particular gruesome murder on screen and then say that a movie was "bad" because of all the blood, that very same scene might be what makes someone else smile and yell out "YEAH!" before charging off to tell their friends all about what a cool film he just watched. Also a documentary about a specific subject might be utterly boring to one person, while the same film will be the most amazing thing someone else ever saw. Different people simply like different things. And so, a film can be interpreted many different ways, according to who is watching it.

Yet, at the same time, there are certain aspects of any film that are always the same. No matter who is watching it. The editing, colors, audio, dialogue, the way the set looks and the way the camera moves is exactly the same to all audiences. What many people are not aware of, is that all these things are not coincidences. Everything has been thoroughly planned by the filmmakers, and no matter what happens on screen there's always a reason for why they wanted it to happen.

Still, it is not expected that a person who has never made a film themselves will recognize what is good lighting, editing, writing, etc. This takes practice. And that's where making-ofs, interviews with filmmakers and books about the craft come in. Like the solution to an insolvable puzzle, these tools are pure gold. With this realization comes the ability to really appreciate the wonderful world of movies. The more of these you watch, read and generally devour, the more you will recognize the quality of what you are watching.

By following this idea, no longer will a film be simply good or bad. There will always be a thought out explanation backing your verdict. A movie might be masterfully lit, poorly edited, cleverly written, wonderfully choreographed, and so on.

The person who was previously disgusted at the sight of blood will no longer claim the film was "bad" for that reason alone. She will understand that the filmmakers put that scene in there to make her feel disgusted. If the filmmakers achieve what they set out to do, they are successful. And that actually turns it into a good movie. Neither will a documentary be judged merely by the subject it tries to tackle, but also by the way it was executed.

People will still appreciate different things, but their reasons will carry more weight. And the more people who think in this way, the more of these silly arguments will turn into interesting conversations.

That is why, much like a person who's just knows the basic rules of poker might think the game is all about luck; a person who still insists that movie quality is simply subjective, is actually saying that he or she does not know very much about movies at all. And these people are not worth discussing movies with.

The New Tenants (2009)

Of all the films which were awarded and nominated for an 2010 Oscar, none were more deserving than this.

The plot is very very simple: Two guys moves into a new apartment and get to know their neighbors. And that's all that's going on.

Yet clever writing, great acting and beautiful shots turn the movie into a 20 minute journey of pure enjoyment. The rather dark humor wont give you belly laughs, but will draw an evil grin upon your lips. If you are angry Avatar didn't win the award for best film this year, you probably wont understand why The New Tenants won the award for best short. But if you thought No Country for Old Men was right to win last year, you'll certainly appreciate this as well.


Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Lawrence of Arabia (1962)

The Hurt Locker winning this year's Oscar for best picture is a sad statement of how low the award has sunk in terms of being a stamp of quality. Don't believe me? Well take a look at this great war epic that also won Oscars in it's time. 7 of 'em!

Lawrence of Arabia is of course very well known, but still much overlooked by anyone who wasn't yet born at the time it was made. And a lot of these people seem to be under the misconceptions that "Old movies are boring," or "The effects are bad," "They look crappy," or even "The music is annoying!" This film will change your mind about all that. And that's even though it actually lasts for more than 3 hours!

If you think films like Lord of the Rings, Gladiator, Braveheart and Troy have great battle scenes, you ain't seen nothing. This is where it's at. And even better: Here it's all real! Yeah! There's no CGI or duplication of a small bunch of warriors to make it look like a big army here. When they wanted a few thousand people to charge at each other and scream like they were possessed, they actually got a few thousand people to do just that.

There's also a director's cut which has an additional 20 or so minutes. I highly recommend seeking it out, and can even put it up here, if there's any interest. But for now I just linked the regular "short" 3hours 22minutes version.


Monday, March 8, 2010

More (1998)

More is everything. It is simply life, all summed up in six minutes. It might also be the most perfect animated film ever made.

The music is hypnotic, the imagery is so thick with symbolism, you almost stumble those "aaaaaah" moments, and the story is heartwarming and sad at the same time.

I must have seen this film a hundred times. You should too.


Sunday, March 7, 2010

Naked (1993)

With a title like Naked, you probably won't need much convincing before giving it a go. Even though dialogue is probably not what you will be most excited about at this time, know that most of it was improvised. Trust me: You will be impressed.

The characters are as well written and acted as it gets. Even though the genre is drama, it plays out almost like a philosophical thriller. As far as plot goes, it's a bit of a puzzle. The film never tells you straight out what seems to be the problem, but the clues are there if you pay attention. That's why even though I have watched this together with a group of people who all loved it, it might be best enjoyed solitude.


Killer Klowns from Outer Space (1988)

The title says it all. And yes, it is every bit as wonderful as it sounds.


Friday, March 5, 2010

Fantastic Planet (1973)

Animation can be a powerful tool in that it gives an artist the means to let himself go, without worrying about restrictions like a low budget, comprehensible logic or even elementary laws of physics.

And yet, just about every animated film there is, simply tries to mimic everyday life: People look like people, animals like animals, and the whole world is still just good old planet earth.

But then there is the Fantastic Planet, a psychedelic trip of a film that truly lives up to its title.

It tells the story of a strange race of giants on a wonderfully weird world, who keep another strange race of miniature men as pets. Although both creeds have their own bizarre peculiarities, after a while you somehow get the idea that they might not be so different from humans after all. The film is a kind of social satire, where one of the races might be a parody of us. The only question is which one.

Really great animated films for adults is a rare thing, so be sure to catch this gem and get ready for a totally different experience.


S.F.W. (So Fucking What) (1994)

This film tried to warn us. It tried to make us think for themselves. And it tried to make us feel. But so fucking what...?

With the seemingly never ending stream of trash TV celebrities brushing in on the shore of our bored brains every day, more and more people are getting famous for ever more strange and ridiculous reasons. So fucking what?

Values are our the door, all we care about is being entertained. So fucking what?

Reality shows gives reality a bad fucking name. So fucking what?

If you were a teen in the 90s, this is one film that will make you smile. And if you weren't, well then you've got a few things to learn. This film is for the people who want to live forever, but only for a little while.


Thursday, March 4, 2010

Tesis (1996)

Probably the best film about snuff movies there is, and the perfect example of how off-camera violence can be much more powerful than all the blood and guts in the world. It also raises the question of what it is that excites us the most and pokes a finger in our self righteous eyes. It's easy to sit in your chair and gloat about how you can't understand how anyone would be interested in seeing a real snuff movie, but still... when push comes to shove, you can't look away yourself.

Tesis was the spring board that catapulted director Alejandro Amenábar's career into stardom, and enabled him to later go on and make classics like Abre los Oyos, Mar Ardentro and The Others.

But first and foremost, this is an extremely exciting thriller. From the very beginning, Tesis will have you on the edge of your seat.


Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Pump Up the Volume (2001)

If you've ever been clubbing, this History of House Music is a must see. Starting out with the funky disco days of 70s New York, it goes in-depth and tells the story of how house music was born in Chicago, what it meant and how it evolved into a myriad of different genres and spread across the globe. We are shown locations of legendary clubs, record companies and shops, introduced to different ways of dj'ing, and get to see how advances in technology has influenced the music. Containing long interviews of household names like Paul Okenfold, Carl Cox, Pete Tong, Goldie, The Shamen, Leftfield, Underworld, Youth, Tony Wilson, and Armin van Helden to name just a few, this is not to be missed.


Monday, March 1, 2010

Barfly (1987)

You know those guys you saw earlier today, sitting on a bench in ragged clothes and sharing a foul smelling bottle? They are in this movie. As is that wretched hag of a woman who always comes up to you when she sees you pull up your wallet by the bar. And that loud mouth know-it-all who always wants to tell you about his troubles and start fights, he's in there too.

In short: It's about drinking. Hardcore drinking. And it could not be more wonderful.

Written by the great Charles Bukowski, and starring Mickey Rourke at the height of his glory days, this is a perfectly cut diamond of a movie.

But not only is this a beautiful story with some amazing and genuine characters; it's also hilarious! This film will have you laughing from the welfare office, all the way to the darkest, dirtiest, and cheapest watering hole.

If you like alcohol, you'll love Barfly. The two can also be mixed for great results.